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CGQ BBQ August 2010
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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/07/11 09:37 Fabi, SOABHP. Au pire, IARU vont nous mettre dans la catégorie appropriée HQ.

On a le droit de communiquer entre nous. On ne peut utiliser billboard pour solliciter des contacts avec d'autres stations.

On est tous une seule station soit VA2RAC. Évidemment, on ne peut se donner de points entre nous, je veux dire VA2RAC.

But I think the billboard should be private for the contest. This way, we are sure we respect all the rules, as anybody outside, meaning a W or DL etc.... could have access to the billboard and contest comittee may interptret this as a way to sollicit contacts. (The lawyer is speaking here hi hi)

Victor, can you enable privacy of billboard for the contest? May be we could make a test tonite. I'll try to connect and post, should be OK.

By the way, I think theres have been 10m openings last nite. So, we'll have to check it out.

Post edited by: va2sg, at: 2008/07/11 09:43

Post edited by: va2sg, at: 2008/07/11 10:44
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/07/11 11:29 VA2UP wrote:
6.4. The use of non-amateur radio means of communications (e.g. telephone or the Internet) for the purpose of soliciting a contact (or contacts) during the contest period is inconsistent with the spirit and intent of these rules.
What do you think of this rule?? Does this in any way come in conflict with the use of the billboard?

I think it's OK between Multi-Multi station operators. We can even communicate over local network for sharing logs, bandplans, bandmaps etc. Because we are one team. We can't use internet or telephone for asking someone else to make a QSO with our station.


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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/07/11 11:44 VA2SG wrote:
Victor, can you enable privacy of billboard for the contest? May be we could make a test tonite. I'll try to connect and post, should be OK.

I have moved the Billboard link to the User Menu. So just only registered users can open the Billboard page. I think that's will be enough.


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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/07/11 11:46 Ok then we will see at the end for the cabrillo. Any accountants in the group? We have a lawyer...just in case!!
I think it's done for the billboard Vic , user menu active only after log on, gud job.

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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/07/11 16:07 Bonjours Messieurs,

avez vous encore de la place pour un gars de SSB?

laisser moi savoir

Richard VE2DX
Jesus Island, PQ-014, FN35cm
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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/07/11 16:56 Monsieur Richard, pouvez-vous faire le 15m SSB? Ca me permettra de me concentrer uniquement sur 15m CW. Mettez votre lineaire en marche et amusez-vous hi!

Est-ce que ca vous va?

Le exchange sera 59 RAC.

Aussi, en suivant les freq sur le billboard, invitez les stations a appeler Fabi sur le 20m. C est  correct?
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/07/11 17:52 ok 15M SSB vendu

call sign VA2RAC exchange RAC HQ
bien copier...

note que mon 2100 est off line je serais barefoot malheureusement...  confirme si c est toujours OK! ou si tu aime mieux conserver le 15M sur HP chez vous...

j'attend ta confimation

PS email ve2dx@hotmail,com aussi bon sur msn au besoin...

Richard VE2DX
Jesus Island, PQ-014, FN35cm
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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/07/11 17:53 Non c'est bien correct. Vous avez la job! hi!

J'ai pas de linéaire ici.

Merci pour votre aide. Bienvenue dans le CGQ

Post edited by: va2sg, at: 2008/07/11 17:54
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/07/11 18:16 M. Desaulniers, reconfirmez-moi SVP  des que possible que vous opererez VA2RAC 15m SSB? SVP?

Merci d avance.
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/07/11 18:39 ok vendu

merci! j'espère juste pas vous faire honte! hi hi hi!

je vous lêve mon chapeau messieurs je pense que le CGQ est une bonne

background de mon coté...

Concours surtout SSB,
IOTA operated from :NA-27, NA-29, NA-38, NA-068, NA-128
CISA QTH étant sur Jesus Island PQ-014 also operated from :
NB-002, NF-001, PE-001, PQ-004, PQ-007, PQ-008, PQ-009, PQ-011, PQ-014, PQ-015, pq-016, pq-017, QP-023, PQ-026 et j'en oublis probablement (getting old!)
Adore les modes digitaux...
Setup ICOM;
IC756ProIII (Main SO2R), IC746Pro (Runner), IC736, IC820H et IC706 (Mobile), linéare Yaesu FL2100Z (needs work a little here!)
day to day Log sur HRD, contest log N1MM


Richard VE2DX
Jesus Island, PQ-014, FN35cm
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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/07/11 18:41 VA2SG wrote:
M. Desaulniers, reconfirmez-moi SVP  des que possible que vous opererez VA2RAC 15m SSB? SVP?

Merci d avance.


Oui bien copier 15M SSB, c'est confirmer

Richard VE2DX
Jesus Island, PQ-014, FN35cm
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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/07/11 18:50 ve2dx wrote:
ok 15M SSB vendu

call sign VA2RAC exchange RAC HQ
bien copier...

Oops petite correct sur l'echange 59 RAC


Richard VE2DX
Jesus Island, PQ-014, FN35cm
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