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Gilles, VE2TZT
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Paolo I2UIY (SK) - 2008/10/13 10:08 Quelle tristesse d'apprendre le départ de Paolo I2UIY un régulier en RTTY.

-----Original Message-----
Scott Neader KA9FOX
Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2008 7:23 PM
Subject: [SMC] Paulo I2UIY SK

Sad news... Paolo, I2UIY recently became a silent key at the young
age of 48. Paulo was inducted into the Contest Hall of Fame just a
few months ago at Dayton '08.  Small silver lining that the
contesting community was able to honor him while he was still with us.


73 - Scott KA9FOX

>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: Antonio Petroncari <>
>Date: Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 3:30 AM
>Subject: info
>*Hi Rick,
>today 12 oct. Paolo I2UIY is passed away (SK) for aneurysm on the brain
>after a month of coma, at the age of 48 years.
>73  de Tony, I2PJA.- *
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Re:Paolo I2UIY (SK) - 2008/10/14 13:39 C'est incroyable, je viens d'apprendre ça ce matin. Paolo était un 'one of a kind'. Le fait qu'il n'était pas là lors du CQWW le mois dernier m'avait paru bizarre.
Pour ceux qui ne le connessaient pas vous pouvez visiter ses pages web en consultation Google : I2IUY
Un bon vivant, super drôle et un vrai passionné de notre hobby.
Je me joins au groupe pour souhaiter à Paolo un bon voyage et un bon repos.

Ciao Paolo,

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Re:Paolo I2UIY (SK) - 2008/10/14 14:48 Oui, un indicatif, un gars qu'on oublira jamais.

J'ai fais le tour de ses deux sites et c'est incroyable comment il était actif, dévoué au RTTRY et les concours en général. En 2008 il a fait le tour des USA jusqu'en Ontario pour visiter des "contesteurs" dommage que nous n'avons pa eu le priviège de le rencontrer. Un vrai de vrai de moins. Espérons qu'il puisse encore nous monitorer de là haut.

Ciao Paolo

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Re:Paolo I2UIY (SK) - 2008/12/19 15:25 Via RTTY Reflector

I am pleased to announce the Paolo Cortese, I2UIY, Memorial Plaque for each
of the CQ RTTY contests: CQ WPX RTTY and CQWW RTTY.  These awards are
generously sponsored by CQ Magazine in memory of Paolo, who contributed so
much to amateur radio, contesting, RTTY, contest DXpeditions and wonderful
friendships around the world.  The plaques will be awarded annually for each
contest to the single operator DXpedition chosen by the CQ RTTY Contest
Committee.  In keeping with Paolo's lead, the award will be based on a
number of important factors beyond final score.  The committee will select
the recipient based on difficulty of the DXpedition, rarity of the location,
contribution to the local community, etc.  If you have personal knowledge of
a single-op DXpedition for either of these RTTY contests beginning in 2009,
please send your comments to or to help inform
the committee as these contests occur each year.

Ed - W0YK

RTTY mailing list


We will remember you Paolo.
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Re:Paolo I2UIY (SK) - 2008/12/22 15:24 Very sad news, he was a great and funny guy, very RTTY enthusiastic contester

I've meet Paolo several times during WRTC 2000 and 2002, also in Milano's airport while I was waiting for my plane to Buenos Aires.

Last time I meet him was in 2003 in USA, during a baseball game in San Francisco, we were 25 HAM to that game, I was sitting beside Paolo and we spent all the game's time talking about soccer/calcio/football, food and contest, we were the only two guy we didn't care about baseball game (the game itself for us was very boring) but we have a lot of fun that day just talking and joking, after the game we went to Visalia and everybody comment about "the guys that got a ticket to watch a Gigants' game in SFO and didn;t care about the game" .

It was a picture in a QST magazine about that HAM's meeting at Gigants' stadium.

RIP Paolo. I'll miss you in RTTY contest.

73, Claudio LU7DW
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Re:Paolo I2UIY (SK) - 2008/12/22 15:57 I saw that nice picture Claudio on his site I think...
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