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IARU HF 2008 - 2008/05/28 19:21 Bonjour à tous.
le 12 et 13 juillet sera la date du IARU contest.
Il serait intéressant d'utiliser l'indicatif VA2RAC en tant
que station HQ. Il est possible si dans la même zone ITU d'opérer
des stations différentes, QTH différents avec le même indicatif.
Au fait il pourrait y avoir 6 stations CW et 6 en SSB.
Nous pourrions opérer chacun notre bande.
Y a t-il des membres intéressés?
SVP répondre d'ici la semaine prochaine pour que je puisse réserver

73, de Claude VE2FK

IARU Member Society HQ Station
May have only one transmitted signal per band mode (160 CW,
160 Phone, 80 CW, 80 Phone, 40 CW, 40 Phone, 20 CW, 20 Phone, 15 CW,
15 Phone, 10 CW, 10 Phone) at the same time.
All stations involved in an HQ operation must be in a
single ITU zone.
Only one HQ station callsign per member society per
frequency band is permitted.
All operators must observe the amateur radio regulations
of their country at all times.
Contest Exchange:
IARU member society HQ stations send signal report and
official IARU member society abbreviation. IARU International
Secretariat club station NU1AW counts as a HQ station. Members
of the IARU Administrative Council and the three IARU regional
Executive committees send “AC,” “R1,””R2,” and “R3” as appropriate.
All others send signal report and ITU zone.
A complete exchange must be logged for each valid QSO.
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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/05/28 19:58 Claude,
Je suis intéressé...
73! Alexey VE2XAA
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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/05/28 20:07 Moi aussi!

I can take 40m CW. Or if we will not have enough members 80m CW as a second band also.


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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/05/28 20:34 No big gun but if I can help.

Post edited by: va2sg, at: 2008/05/28 20:35
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/05/29 12:10 I have requested to use VA2RAC HQ callsign for the IARU HF 2008 this morning, for 6 stations, different QTH CW operation. More details next week.
73, Claude VE2FK
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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/05/29 15:40 Parfais!

Why just CW? Nobody wants work on SSB?


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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/05/29 16:45 Hello Victor.

Because another group could do the same as us on SSB but if we also want
to do SSB no problem will simply advise Noel/VE2BR. For sure you can only
have one transmitter per band/mode at the same time.  Let's see if we have more player until next week. Wonder if we should think of 160m?
73, claude VE2FK
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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/05/29 17:17 I f only one station can be  in band/mode at the time maybe one station can take CW/SSB if will be not enough people.
Last year Claudio VE2DWA told me that he wants participate SSB mode.
For sure we have take 160 m. May be VE2TZT can support us - he has a beautiful equipment and antennas for this band.
73! Alexey VE2XAA
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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/05/29 18:24 Ok Alexey, will request to use SSB too.
We would be proud to have Gilles/TZT trying his new K3 on 160m.

73, de VE2FK

Post edited by: ve2fk, at: 2008/05/30 12:39

Post edited by: ve2fk, at: 2008/05/30 12:39
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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/05/29 18:30 For myself I will be operating PORTABLE to se in Zone 04 probably on 80m CW only. Understand that another station on another site can use SSB at the same time.

73 de VE2FK
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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/05/29 20:53 Hi everybody,

I am ok to participate in the team, I have no any preference for the band, 160 if you want.

I do not know if it is possible for us, but I know that some national teams in other countries have the same logging software in each station and are connected together through a virtual network via internet. They are then able to have a real time log of the whole team and to exchange some messages through the message window of the logging software (like the multi-multi teams) they are then able to change the assignement of the bands according to the events (propagation, sun set/sun rise), send a mult to other operators for qsy, take the relay on a busy band while the mean operator need a rest, ect...

Gilles VE2TZT
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Re:IARU HF 2008 - 2008/05/29 21:37 HI Gilles, and CGQ...

VE2TZT wrote:
Hi everybody,

I do not know if it is possible for us, but I know that some national teams in other countries have the same logging software in each station and are connected together through a virtual network via internet.

HI every one ... I dont think my condition will be better to be part of the team...but for your info...I use for contest software WIN-test well for this paticular set up...

...may be it is possible to have 1 license for every PC... but this is a bit short in time to do a real test. I suggest you ask the win-test team about it.

73' Phil VE2FU

Post edited by: ve2fu, at: 2008/05/29 21:41
Phil VE2FU
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