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RSGB IOTA Contest 2007, VA2SG
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Re:ARRL 10 - 2007/12/11 19:04 J'ai trouvé ça un peu currieux le calcul du temps par N1MM,
peut-être du fait que je faisais un QSO... je fermais tout
et revenais plustard hi.

ARRL 10M Contest - 2007-12-08 0000Z to 2007-12-10 0000Z - 8 QSOs
VE2FK - Off Times >= 30 Minutes

12-08-07 00:00Z - 12-08-07 01:07Z     67 mins
12-08-07 01:15Z - 12-08-07 12:32Z     677 mins
12-08-07 12:36Z - 12-08-07 13:10Z     34 mins
12-08-07 13:11Z - 12-08-07 15:33Z     142 mins
12-08-07 15:34Z - 12-08-07 20:17Z     283 mins
12-08-07 20:18Z - 12-10-07 00:00Z     1662 mins

Total Time Off 47,75 hours
Total Time On 0,25 hours

Post edited by: VE2FK, at: 2007/12/11 19:06

Post edited by: VE2FK, at: 2007/12/11 19:08
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Re:ARRL 10 - 2007/12/11 20:33 Many thanks again Alexey for your call. I didn't guess that it was your only one.

Please, do not forget to submit your log even for one qso, otherwise the ARRL contest software will count it as ``unique`` in my log and 0 pts.

I have already experienced that during the 2005 CQWW when a friend of mine had just worked 3 qso in a contest without submitting his log, I got his qso as ``unique`` on the UBN report and no point/mult.

73, Gilles
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Re:ARRL 10 - 2007/12/12 10:10 If  everyone has a certificate, why I do not?
For which category I can pretend?
Worst Canada driver?

73! Alexey VE2XAA
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Re:ARRL 10 - 2007/12/12 11:00 Dont worry Alexey, will split mine in two with you.
Which part do you want?
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Re:ARRL 10 - 2007/12/12 11:03 Alex, don't tell me you went there without winter tires?

I like you Montrealers, one inch of snow and they call state of emergency, the town is closed, schools, courthouse, etc... hi.

We had 18 niches last night here. Now, I am trying to find my verticals in the snow

Post edited by: va2sg, at: 2007/12/12 11:04
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:ARRL 10 - 2007/12/13 10:38 Thanks Claude for the proposal! Appreciated!
Next time I will share my certificate with you

J-P, did you find your vertical now?  
The Montrealers had 50 cm of snowfall one week before and my antennas still visible! And they are using all-season tires for 20 years without problems! (Except small incident on the way to Sept Iles)

73! Alexey VE2XAA
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Re:ARRL 10 - 2007/12/13 18:37 As long as there are no injuries...

As of today, I believe there is as much snow as all last winter's entire snowfall.

And yeah, the verts are still there hi..
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:ARRL 10 - 2007/12/13 19:58 It is real winter this year...
I would like to improve my radial system under tower for 160 m contests but i do not know how they will be working on top of 2 ft of snow...
J-P, how yours verticals are working under snow cover?
73! Alexey VE2XAA
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Re:ARRL 10 - 2007/12/14 10:22 The base of my verts are at 6 feet above ground, at top of two aluminium tubings. That is because of the snowfalls we have. So, even though we have let say 3 feet on the ground, I am still above snow.

Two years ago, after a big snowfall, my HF9V was completely detuned. Was it a result of the snowfall? I had this impression. Am I right? Honestly, I don't know at all!

As for the radials, they are under snow cover and I believe the snow have no effect on the radials. The problem with my station is I don't have enough radials. For the HF9V, I got 4 for 10, 4 for 15, 4 for 20, 4 for 40, 2 for 80. For the HF6V, I got 2 for 15, 4 for 20, 4 for 40, 2 for 80 and 2 for 160.

Now, what I should do, and is planned for next year, is put all my 15m radials, to one antenna, all my 20m radials to one antenna etc... to maximise signal. At least, I should try it to see if it brings improvement, which sould be logical.

I have to say my verts are at the top of a hill in the backyard, 30 feet up, but have lots of rock on its surface. So , I reallly need LOTS of radials.

No tower planned here, for three reasons:

- The neighbours wouldnt like it (but I dont care)
- The XYL wouldnt like it (oh! Getting serious)
- I wouldnt like it myself, because we are in a new sector, nice new houses etc...

The tower project will take place at the summer house, but thats a long long way to go..

Post edited by: VA2SG, at: 2007/12/14 10:31
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:ARRL 10 - 2007/12/14 10:30 Thanks J-P for useful info
I have to improve my radial system as well.
73! Alexey VE2XAA
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Re:ARRL 10 - 2007/12/14 10:32 I have edited my post. Just for fun.

There a couple images of this stuff in my SS CW video at my youtube page. Just click below.

Post edited by: VA2SG, at: 2007/12/14 10:35
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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