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Re:CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW 2011 - 2011/01/30 18:12 voici le score

Call: VA2EW
Operator(s): VA2EW
Station: VA2EW

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: Montreal QC
Operating Time (hrs): 30

Total:  QSOs = 1354  State/Prov = 59  Countries = 60  Total Score = 936,887


Gilles VA2EW
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Re:CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW 2011 - 2011/01/30 21:37 Nice score Gilles to break the 1k qso on 160m everything must be aligned in the same direction like wx, K-index and good years.
Rejean va2am
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Re:CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW 2011 - 2011/01/31 06:57 Nous sommes fiers d'avoir des PROs dans le groupe.
BRAVO les gars.

73 VE2FK
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Re:CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW 2011 - 2011/01/31 10:03 Gilles,

Congratulations! The 160 m is your "money" band because you have one of the best "Top band" setup.

Did you do SO2R in the CQ WW 160 ?
Did you find ID state? That's the only one I missed to complete WAS 160 for one weekend.


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Re:CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW 2011 - 2011/01/31 12:23 Hi Victor,

I have no SO2R intra band 160m setup and it is really missing to improve my score.But it is not so obvious to built such a thing. I have to built a separate RX antenna as far as possible from the TX one and have this RX antenna with a deep nul in the direction of the TX antenna+very sharp input variable filter and/or a phasing unit picking a sample of TX signal. I will only be able to construct that when I have a definitive TX antenna and you now that I have the project to make a phasing TX antenna system.
By the way, I have finished the new antenna direction keyboard (4*8 directions keyboards with control leds+8*push-button keys on the same array than my former on whose picture is on this website) just before the contest and tested it during the contest (I will send you pictures soon). This time the 8 circle RX was not performing as well as during the ARRL 160 and actually I worked mostly with the beverages, I have some tuning work to do, perhaps I will built my own controler (the current one was bought) to have a better control on the tuning and maintenance.
So, as I posted last year, before constructing more phasing systems, an efficient central control unit had to be built.

About the ID, yes I worked one and only one he called me during the second night. That shows again how much a SO2R would be an help : if you are not permanently calling CQ, you will miss some S&P-only unique mults and if you never S&P you will miss some run-only mults.

By the way Victor, again, I am very impressed by your results relatively to your very modest area/volume for antennas.


Gilles VA2EW

Post edited by: ve2tzt, at: 2011/01/31 12:23
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Re:CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW 2011 - 2011/01/31 12:49 Gilles,

Thanks for the answer. Yap. To have SO2R on the same band that would be cool. I'm thinking about separate receiving antennas (K9AY loop for examples) to put in a kind of "shadow". Even they could not be so good as BVG but could be really useful for searching local mults.


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Re:CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW 2011 - 2011/01/31 21:57 Terrific show by all of you. Congratulations.

73, Fabi
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Re:CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW 2011 - 2011/02/01 09:28 Hello Gang,

Mes félicitations à Gilles... Wow...

I dont have the ''guts'' to go for 30 hours.

NAME: Serge Lavoie
ADDRESS: 1507 Des Lilas
ADDRESS: Sainte-Julie, QC J3E1J3
CREATED-BY: N1MM Logger V11.1.4

111 QSO with a 80 metres antenna...hihi...

J'ai eu le plaisir d'entendre Gilles et Victor.

Have fun every one!

Serge VE2HLS
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Re:CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW 2011 - 2011/02/01 12:45 Une chance que je ne suis plus dans la même rue que toi Serge...
Ca aurait été terrible sur 160m.
Bravo. Le CGQ était vraiment bien representé.

73, Claude VE2FK
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Re:CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW 2011 - 2011/02/02 17:11 Félicitation Gilles

Tes explications des conditions de propagation sur la bande sont des plus instructives et sont venus confirmer ce que j'entendais sur la bande.

Ta station est toute aussi impressionnante et à la hauteur des résultats que tu as obtenus.

J'ai lu avec intérêt la description de tes derniers projets et ai bien hâte de lire la suite.

Félicitation à Victor et Réjean pour des prestations remarquables.

Claude, je me doute bien que quand tu vas avaoir fait tes modifications pour avoir une antenne respectable sur 160m tu vas aller chercher beaucoup de DX. A lire tes commentaires je me doute bien que ton QTH semble être excellent pour cette bande.

Félicitation à tous, on augmente la présence du Québec sur cette bande.

73 de Louis, VE2EZD
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