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Gilles, VE2TZT
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Contest Group du Quebec  

CQ WW WPX CW 2011 - 2011/05/18 12:29 The new great contest is coming up! Unfortunately the propagation will be managed by a new incoming magnetic storm. That's the same bad propagation conditions as there were during last year WPX CW. Looks like that becomes a bad tradition )))

I try to work as much as possible as SOAB HP - T/S. No cluster.

CU in the contest!



Post edited by: va2wdq, at: 2011/05/18 12:36
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Re:CQ WW WPX CW 2011 - 2011/05/18 14:12 Oups! bad propagation again. No problem, we still can have fun.
Good luck to all.
Claude VE2FK
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Re:CQ WW WPX CW 2011 - 2011/05/22 10:56 I am expecting to be able to participate the whole 36h despite current familly movements.

As usual it will be SOAB HP.

See you on the air

Gilles VA2EW
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Re:CQ WW WPX CW 2011 - 2011/05/22 11:08 Have fun. Will miss it. Going to Sorel hanfest for VE2SOTA presentation. Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:CQ WW WPX CW 2011 - 2011/05/27 09:37 Same thing with me... will be at Sorel all the week-end.
I'm gonna shake hands with JP. (HI)

For the CQ WPX CW I hope to be able to make some contacts friday night before leaving and if I'm not back too late on sunday night (before 20:00) do some more .

Wish you all the best of luck and if possible not too bad propagation and a lot of QSO. I will be on the side for this one.

73 de VE2EZD
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Re:CQ WW WPX CW 2011 - 2011/05/27 16:35 Cool. Maybe some eyeball QSOs Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:CQ WW WPX CW 2011 - 2011/05/29 19:35 CQWPXCW Score Summary Sheet
Start Date : 2011-05-27
CallSign Used : VE2FK
Operator Category : SINGLE-OP
Band : ALL
Power : HIGH - 700w
Mode : CW
Overlay Category : TB-WIRES
Club/Team : Contest Group du Quebec
Software : N1MM Logger V11.5.3
Total Time On 12:24  (744 mins)
Band    QSOs    Pts  WPX
   7     101     493   62
  14     201     527  158
  21      14      33    3
  28       4      12    2
Total     320    1065  225

Score : 239 625
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Re:CQ WW WPX CW 2011 - 2011/05/29 20:16
          CQWPXCW Score Summary Sheet

      Start Date : 2011-05-28

   CallSign Used : VE2FXL
     Operator(s) : VE2FXL

Operator Category : SINGLE-OP-ASSISTED
            Band : ALL
           Power : HIGH
            Mode : CW
Overlay Category : TB-WIRES
Default Exchange : 001
      Gridsquare : FN46PC

            Name : Luc Fontaine
    ARRL Section : QC
       Club/Team : Contest group du Quebec
        Software : N1MM Logger V11.5.2

       Band    QSOs    Pts  WPX
          7      21     104   13
         14      88     228   83
         21      25      65   17
         28       4      12    2
      Total     138     409  115

           Score : 47 035

Total Time On 05:41  (341 mins)
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Re:CQ WW WPX CW 2011 - 2011/05/29 23:26           CQWPXCW Score Summary Sheet

      Start Date : 2011-05-27

   CallSign Used : VA2WA
     Operator(s) : VA2WA

Operator Category : SINGLE-OP
            Band : ALL
           Power : HIGH
            Mode : CW
Default Exchange : 001
       Club/Team : Contest Group du Quebec
        Software : N1MM Logger V11.5.2

       Band    QSOs    Pts  WPX
        1.8      11      35    0
        3.5     150     582   26
          7     619    2779  344
         14     726    1768  247
         21     122     304   35
         28      22      61    5
      Total    1650    5529  657

           Score : 3,632,553

Time on: 35 H

The conditions were very touch. A big magnetic storm was rough as expected. Many thunderstorms and heavy rains were running over almost whole weekend. Anyway I've improved my last year result by 20% even working 1 hour less. Thanks to VA2EW, VE2XAA, VE2HLS, VE2QV, VA2TTA and VE2AWR for the QSO's.

Congratulations to Alexei and Gilles for solid effort and good results. I guess Gilles will be ahead as usual )))



Post edited by: va2wdq, at: 2011/05/30 21:30
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Re:CQ WW WPX CW 2011 - 2011/05/30 16:39 Bravo guys, you sure worked hard, I know Alexey is over 1400/Q and worked Gilles when he was over 800/Q. I am wondering sometime if conditions are not better in montreal hi.

73, Claude VE2FK
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Re:CQ WW WPX CW 2011 - 2011/05/30 19:18 Summary:
Band  QSOs
 160:    8
  80:   87
  40:  775
  20:  828
  15:  180
  10:    4
Total: 1882  Prefixes = 742  Total Score = 4,808,902

As Victor mentionned index K was over 6 for 12 hours, over 5 for 18 hours and over 4 for 33 hours .... and as it was not enough, storms were all around for the whole contest. Then the 40m was very interesting for the ears.

For the first time I really made some SO2R but with only 100W on the second radio and using the 160m antenna tuned for this radio.

As usual I was not able to work the full 36 Hours.

Much fun anyway

Tnx for your calls ant especially to Ve2XAA for his spots.


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Re:CQ WW WPX CW 2011 - 2011/05/30 22:25 Must have been hard work for sure. Bravo for nice scores despite all. Funny how in these big contests under bad conditions we always feel like giving up...but we never do, ha ha!

73, Fabi
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