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CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/20 09:44 Y-a-t-il d'autre braves qui sacrifieront leurs oreilles weekend prochain? Are we enough members to post a team competition? We need to confirm quickly.

As I am writing this post, not even sure of I'll do All bands or 20m only.

Anyway, have a good week.
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/20 12:20 Hello, J-P,
I will be there ABSOLP for a few hours.
Probably VA2WDQ as well...
73! Alexey VE2XAA
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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/21 15:02 I'm probably going to work a few hours in the contest.


Could we send an team competition application for CGQ?


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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/21 19:45 Okay, lets do it for fun. Up to now:


As we probably wont break any record hi, I am looking for a funny name for the team. I'll be back to you. If you have suggestions, just post them.

we could use CGQ but, why not something else.
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/22 08:22 A list of a
team’s members must be received at CQ
Headquarters by the time the contest
begins. E-mail to <>,
or mail or fax the list to CQ, Att: Team
Contest, 25 Newbridge Road, Hicksville,
NY 11801 U.S.A.; fax 516-681-2926

As a tribute to Fabi VA2UP great performance in IARU, we could call it " The three baritones" hi hi
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/22 10:58 Could we create 4...5...6... or more baritones?
73! Alexey VE2XAA
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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/23 15:55 Bonne chance a tous

I'm leaving in few hours for K3LR, it is a 12 hours drive.

Good luck all of you, get a funny name for the team and enjoy the contest.

I hope to work all the VA2/VE2 in all bands during CQWWSSB.

73, Claudio VE2DWA... one of K3LR M/M team

P.S. If ypu couldn't get 5 people, just send the team with 4 or 3 members as I did for NAQP, the most important is making noise as a Quebec's team.
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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/23 19:31 Good Luck to you Claudio and for K3LR team!

We will be looking for you on every bands!
73! Alexey VE2XAA
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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/23 20:37 Have fun you lucky!

So we'll be "The Quebec baritones"

I am sending email to CQ tomorrow at noon.

Have fun guys, 2 aspirines and a glass of water every 8 hours
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/24 16:09 Bonne chance les gars.
73, Claude VE2FK
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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/26 22:04 CQWWSSB Score Summary Sheet
       Operator(s) : VE2XAA
Category : SOABLP
  Club/Team : Contest Group du Quebec
        Software : N1MM Logger V8.10.5

       Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty   ZN
        1.8      23      38    6    5
        3.5     199     464   61   16
          7     116     320   64   18
         14     489    1360  105   28
         21      87     233   41   17
      Total     914    2415  277   84

           Score : 871,815
73! Alexey VE2XAA
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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/26 22:35 And thats a few hours hi. Good job again Alex.

Finally, I made a single band 20 meters entry good for 347 QSOs 76 DXCC 19 zones for 94963 points.

Alex, you probably worked the bunch of JA, but did you find B1Z saturday afternoon? I did, and he was all alone, no takers. I kept the audio and I'll do a nice video. Gonna be on the tube at the end of the week.
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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