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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/27 10:00 Congratulations Alexej and J-P,

I had just few hours for the contest. Sothe result is not great:

Just 190 QSO and around 90K points. I did LP. Usually I work only CW contests. And actually I don't have any one good antenna for SSB portion of the bands. All of them except 28 and 7.00-7.100 MHz have SWR 2.5:1 or worse ))) So I was using FT-1000 with antenna tuner.  I concentrated on 21 MHz where I could use my mini-beam directivity and did around 70 QSO more then 40 countries and around 13- 14 zones or may be more. I'll update my post with results this evening from home.

I heard couple of times few stations on 28 MHz (LU, PY, W) but they were very weak and I couldn't get them.


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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/27 17:17 Heres a video:

Some comments: 20 nice to Eu and Asia saturday. Bad prop to south on saturday, but better sunday.

Few ZS heard sunday only, ZS9X was like a automatic voice keyer, with a crowd calling him??

Missed 3DA0DJ for that zone. Well, I had a ball anyway.

Now, SS CW!
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/27 18:44 Here is my report:

CallSign Used : VA2WDQ

Operator Category : SINGLE-OP
            Band : ALL
           Power : LOW
            Mode : SSB
Default Exchange : 5
    ARRL Section : QC
       Club/Team : Contest Group du Quebec
        Software : N1MM Logger V8.9.0

       Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty   ZN
        1.8       3      4    2    1
        3.5      10      23    9    6
          7      27      72   25   13
         14      69     187   46   13
         21      82     223   42   18
      Total     191     509  124   51

           Score : 89,075



Post edited by: va2wdq, at: 2008/10/27 18:46
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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/27 20:22 For a short time we have not bad team result. And it was a fun.
No, J-P, I did not work B1Z. During the day I really had only a few hours on the air.
Morning, evening and night was my contest hours.
As usual I had big hearing problems, very noisy reception.
Bad antennas for 160 and 40 meters bands. All my antenna improvements did not give me a satisfaction. Will continue modifications.
How Claudio did?
73! Alexey VE2XAA
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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/27 21:51 Hi guys,
it is fun to see the excitement always present in the group. Now I wish I would have had the chance to be with you but really not a weekend for contesting here. There will be other times. Nice results for 3 cw guys transformed in baritones for the occasion

Fun video JP, I loved to hear the adrenaline still flowing after B1Z, congratulations.
Alexey great results for partial effort and Victor super effort as usual despite poor antenna situation for this contest and few hours.

Hope Claudio had fun.
Bravo à vous!!

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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/28 11:02 Congratulations to all of you

It is a pleasure to watch VA2SG's videos on Youtube. They are so good that they could be used to teach about propagation theory. Nice job and especially for the great QSOs.

Last weekend I was at the Longueuil Hamfest. It was ok but the number of exhibits is diminishing from year to year. A trend we see in other Hamfests too and I heard that it was also the case at Dayton this year.

Hope to work you during the Nov SS CW this weekend.

73s de Louis, VE2EZD
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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/28 14:17 Merci Louis, mais mets-en pas trop ha ha. Pour le SS, oui, ce serait le fun que j'aie le QC pour une fois hi.

Post edited by: va2sg, at: 2008/10/28 14:19
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/28 15:23 Je te dis ça Jean-Pierre car pour illustrer ton QSO avec la Chine ton animation montre bien la propagation via la "grey-line".
Souvent on a des cas hypothétiques là c'est un exemple bien réel.

Pour le SS CW, c,est drôle de voir que même pour les VE2 les QC sont rares (HI).

73s de Louis, VE2EZD
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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/29 09:25 Il y en a qui connaissent tout ca bien mieux que moi, mais j'apprends vite. Faut dire que en orientant le signal ouest, les JA ne m'entendaient pas, et en regardant mon moniteur grey line, je me suis dit "Ben voyons nono! Suis la greyline" Alors c'est surement ca. Belle balle courbe ha ha.

Post edited by: va2sg, at: 2008/10/29 09:25
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/10/30 11:10 Salut JP

Les fonctions "greyline" des logiciels utilisent souvent la projection de mercator qui n'est pas très bonne pour évaluer les directions de grand-cercle. C'est que les ondes radio suivent les grand-cercles. La courbe que tu as obtenue te donnerait une belle droite sur une carte azimutale-équidistante (la fameuse carte murale de l'ARRL centrée sur le nord-est des USA).

À partir du Qc l'ouest mène au sud de l'Australie.

Un petit truc amusant. Tu as besoin d'une ficelle et d'un globe terrestre. Tu mets une extrémité de la ficelle sur ton QTH et la tend jusqu'à atteindre la destination. Bien tendue, la ficelle suit automatiquement le grand cercle. Tu peux voir l'angle de départ p/r au nord, et la longueur de la ficelle rapportée sur un méridien te donne la distance du trajet en degrés. Alors 1 degré = 60 milles marins et 1 mille marin = 1,852 km.

Bien sûr tout ça est calculé et affiché par les logiciels de "logging".

73s de Louis, ve2ezd
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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/11/04 14:23 Hola Amigos .

I was at K3LR for CQWWSSB again this year and we have a lot of fun low band were amazing and got DXCC in 4 bands. Also I was trying new IC-7700, but nothing special in that radio I'm still preffers IC-781.  I have the chance to use IC-7800 during all the contest and I'm very surprising for their very low noise, better than IC-781, but the ausio of IC-7800 sound very DSP not natural.

i was planning to return to K3LR for CW part, but I'm very busy with my job.

We got lots of VE2, it was the comments for all the the operator at K3LR, Quebec was very weel represented at CQWWSSB.

Most important K3LR got 1st place in USA MM for 4th year in a row.

73, Claudio VE2DWA
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Re:CQ WW SSB 08 - 2008/11/07 15:36 Nice to hear from indepedant stations! CGQ -Vivat! 73! Alexey VE2XAA
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