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Zone 40 interviews Zone 2
Written by Victor Androsov   
by TF4M on JANUARY 13, 2011 published by courtesy of Thor, TF4M

After I worked VE2XAA/2 for my Zone #39 on 160 meters for the WAZ160 Award, I contacted Alex to get some background on his operation, and why Zone 2 , the Zone nearest to Zone 40 is so incredibly rare, so close and yet so far...

Our discussion is reproduced below. (photos by VE2XAA/2).

hi Alex,I was telling a friend about the difficulty I had in getting a QSO from that area and that you were the only person going there once a year for two days.

No, Thor, I was not the only person who activated Zone 2 in the CQ WW Contests. As a matter of fact, my friend Yuri VE2IM (VE3DZ) goes there since 1999 and has already 90,000 QSO in his Zone 2 LOG. Another friend of mine, Victor VA2WDQ, operated as VE2EKA from Zone 2, and a group of Americans come to Zone 2 every year for the last 4-5 years to operate as VE2DXY, but only in SSB part of the CQ WW. The good news is that very active CW and DX operator Steve, VE2TKH moved recently to Sept-Iles, and is very active operating from VE2CSI club station. As for me, I try to go there every year, this time I was active only for 7 days - from November 23rd till November 29th, 2010.
Michel St-Hilaire VE2CU SK
Contributed by Serge Lavoie   
C'est avec beaucoup de regret que je vous annonce le décès de Michel St-Hilaire VE2CU à l'âge de 72 ans, aujourd'hui le dimanche 23 mars 2014 des suites d’un cancer.

Michel sera exposé au :
Salon Alfred Dallaire Memoria, 2159, boul. St-Martin est, Laval (à l’intersection des autoroutes 440 sud et 19 est à Laval)

Date : Le samedi 29 mars 2014, de 14 h 00 à 16 h 00, suivi d’une cérémonie de prières à 16 h 00 et d’un goûter à 16 h 30.

L’annonce en sera faite dans La Presse et le Journal de Montréal mercredi prochain de 26 mars.

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Bonne Année 2013!
Written by Victor Androsov   
Bonne Année 2013!!

et bonne santé!

Happy New Year 2013!

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