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Dayton 2010
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QSO Party du Québec
Written by Victor Androsov   
Organiser un événement radioamateur continental stimulant permettant aux amateurs du Québec de se rencontrer tout en mettant en vedette le Québec et ses grandes régions.

Nous souhaitons aussi stimuler la participation des amateurs du Québec aux concours HF avec un événement à cadence plus lente et plus facile d’approche que les grands concours. Nous espérons que cet événement encouragera les opérateurs à augmenter leur présence sur les ondes HF et qu’ils pourront pleinement profiter du nouveau cycle solaire qui s’amorce.

Le Québec QSO Party se tiendra le dimanche 16 avril 2023 , de 12:00 UTC à 22:00 UTC.


To organize an exciting amateur radio event where operators from the province of Quebec contact others from around the world and where the the many administrative regions in the province are featured.

To stimulate the participation of amateur operators from Québec in HF contesting in a relaxed environment. We hope that this will help to get more operators on the air year round, provide them with an opportunity to hone their contesting skills and enable them to benefit from the increasing propagation opportunities of the new solar cycle.

The Quebec QSO Party will be held on April 16th 2023, from 12:00 UTC to 22:00 UTC.

Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année 2023!
Written by Victor Androsov   

  Bonne Année 2023!!

  Happy New Year 2023!

SPE 2K-FA failure report at VA2EW
Written by Jilles VA2EW   
On 20 th May 2019 a few minutes after having switched it on and without having transmitting while the amplifier was in RX mode on 15m I heard and see an explosion and a spark into the amplifier. The 25A wall panel breaker switched off. That means a minimum of 60 amps short.

I put the amp on a bench, none of the two fuses (high power for 48V and low power for other voltages) was blown!

I removed the two external black panels (needs a hexagonal key) to have a view on the whole inside of the amps. No visible damage.

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