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Contest Group du Quebec  

ARRL November Sweepstake SSB 2023 - 2023/11/20 10:58 Bonjour à tous,

Participation: QRP, All bands, unassisted, 12.5 heures.


Bertrand, VE2ZAZ / VA2IW

Contest: SSSSB
Band     QSOs     Pts  Sec  Pt/Q
  3.5      21      42    9   2.0
    7      30      60   10   2.0
   14      66     132   25   2.0
   21      15      30    7   2.0
   28      18      36   10   2.0
Total     150     300   61   2.0
Score: 18,300

Post edited by: ve2zaz, at: 2023/11/20 11:02

Post edited by: ve2zaz, at: 2023/11/27 15:39
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Re:ARRL November Sweepstake SSB 2023 - 2023/11/20 16:39

 Beau concoursmalgré un flux solaire  en dépression! À bientôt, Grégoire VE2HIT ARRL Sweepstakes SSB 2023 SOABLP Time ON20 hours Raw Score89420 Band    QSO    PTS    MUL 80m     107    214    015 40m     160    320    017 20m     127    254    021 15m     108    216    025 10m     024    048    007 ALL     526    1052    085

Post edited by: ve2hit, at: 2023/11/20 16:54
  | | The administrator has disabled public write access.

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