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Dany, VE2EBK
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ARRL June VHF Contest - 2008/06/13 10:48 Greetings everyone. Please note that the June VHF Contest is on this weekend, Starting at 2pm Saturday local time and continuing until 11pm Sunday.

This contest covers all bands from 50MHz up, all modes. The dominant mode is SSB but for long haul contacts we frequenctly revert to CW and there are also digital modes.

The exchange is your call sign and your 4 character Maidenhead grid square. For most of you, the grid will be either FN25 or FN15.

The main frequencies are 144.200 +/- 50KHz, 50.125 to 50.250MHz, 222.100MHz +/-, 432.100MHz +/-50KHz, 903.1MHz, 1296.1MHz

On FM you may hear activity at 146.580MHz, 446.000MHz

On D-STAR you may hear activity on the VHF digital calling channel (not the repeater).

Busiest times are Saturday from contest start until about 7pm, and Sunday morning also Sunday afternoon.

Also PLEASE NOTE a large group from the WCARC is on a grid expedition to FN04 near Coburg ON. They will very much appreciate contacts with you. They will be looking our way at 15:00hrs local on Saturday.

Every single contact is very important. Please participate.
Thanks and 73.
Rick (VE3CVG)
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Re:ARRL June VHF Contest - 2008/06/13 10:58 Bonjour,

As I know many VE2 usually active in all VHF Contests: VE2HAY, VE2DC, VE2XX, VE2BOY, VE2DSB etc.

I will work on 2 bands: 50-144. IC-746 100 watts, Antennas: 144 - 7 el. (3m boom) 50 - 2 el. Still don't have 222, 432 and 1296 rig. My grid square is FN35gn.

Many of us are having 50 Mhz transceivers. So you can easily join the contest. Usually 40 meters antenna could be used for that band if you don't have something better. And you can enjoy 50 MHz Es skip propagation QSOs with QRB up to couple thousand kms.

If you have 144 MHz rig and a 144 MHz antenna, better turn your antenna to the horizontal polarity for CW/SSB QSO via tropo.

CU on VHF this weekend!


Post edited by: va2wdq, at: 2008/06/13 11:09
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Re:ARRL June VHF Contest - 2008/06/13 19:11 Will have a look for your callsign on 6m Victor.
Last week worked two US stations with my 40m dipole.
GL, 73 de VE2FK
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Re:ARRL June VHF Contest - 2008/06/15 22:21 VA2SG 50mhz LP

141 QSO's 60 grids = 8460 pts.

TS480SAT and homebrew HB9CV

Pas mal de fun!
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:ARRL June VHF Contest - 2008/06/16 00:30 SINGLE-OP ALL LOW                              QC Section

   Band       QSOs X pt =  QSO pts.  X   Grids   =     Points
   50         51     1      51            29            1479
   144        17     1      17            8             136
   222        5      2      10            3             30
   432        3      2      6             1             6
   TOTALS     76            84            41            3444

Comme dit Jean-Pierre VA2SG, pas mal de fun mais les orages dimanche après-midi en Outaouais ont mis fin au fun un peu plus tôt que prévu...

Alan VA2UK
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Re:ARRL June VHF Contest - 2008/06/16 06:50 Moi qui voulait donner comme défaite ma position trop au nord...
je devrai m'installer une antenne ha ha! samedi juste entendu un K4  449/a
Est-ce que les signaux étaient forts JP?
Bravo les gars.
73 de VE2FK
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Re:ARRL June VHF Contest - 2008/06/16 08:29 Good job Alan. Sorry about the weather. I'll always have admiration for those trying to activate 2 and 440. I don't have either the patience neither the rigs/antennas. And, we're too far away here in FN48.

J'ai commencé dimanche matin vers 10h30. Conditions intéressantes dimanche PM. Quand j'ai fait un W7 en DM25, je me suis dit qu'il y aurait du double-hop s'en venait mais finalement, ce sera le seul contact à l'ouest des grids EN et EM.

Autrement, j'ai XE2WWW en EL06, contacté successivement par VE2BKL, VE2RA et VA2SG.

C'était S9 Claude en majorité. Y a pas à dire, une antenne spécifique au 6 ca aide beaucoup.

Aussi, j'ai été surpris de faire une quinzaine de contacts en CW. Well, do VHFers getting into CW?

I was planning /P for this one but family commitments are priority. Now, I'll try /R for CQ VHF on Mont Apica FN47, and Mont Valin, FN48, both 1100 meter altitude. Let's hope I'll be able to do it!

I'll try to know scores from VE2RA and VE2BKL.


Post edited by: va2sg, at: 2008/06/16 08:31
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:ARRL June VHF Contest - 2008/06/16 10:51 J-P- Bonne partie)))
Alan - nice to hear you on VHF!

My results:

Band Mode QSOs Pts Grd
50 CW 38 38 23
50 USB 88 88 45
144 CW 3 3 1
144 USB 8 8 5
Total Both 137 137 73

Score : 10,001

Rig: IC-746 100 watts
ANT: 6m 2 el. MQ-26, 2m 6 el. home brew yagi on my attic fixed to south.

I was planning to work /p on a hill top near Grandby but canceled due to the bad weather prognosis of T-storm. So I was working from home where conditions are not good for VHF.

There was not any Es on 6m on Saturday. But I did 10 QSOs via Aurora. The longest was with W8 in EN70. Next day on Sunday was a good 6m Es opening. Unfortunately I couldn't work all the time and almost missed the morning opening. Anyway got a good pile up from W8-W9-W0 during the evening opening after 19:00. The longest QSO was with N7NG - 3000 kms. I was trying to get XE2WWW but I couldn't brake up the US pile up. He was coming S9 here. Also couldn't get KP4A and HI3TEJ as well. A few grids missed. Heard VE2XX (FN07) via Aurora but he gone. The same story with VE2XX (FN25).

For sure the best for the VHF Contest is to get   /p on a good high position.



Post edited by: va2wdq, at: 2008/06/16 11:19
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Re:ARRL June VHF Contest - 2008/06/19 20:14 Bonsoir tout le monde...

Bravo Victor, Heard you several time on Contest.

Band  Mode  QSOs    Pts  Grd
   50  CW      12      12   12
  144  CW      17      17   14
  144  USB      2      2    0
Total  Both    31      31   26
Score: 806

Worked VE3FHR/R EN49 and K2YAZ EN74 on Aurora opening (144Mhz).

On 6M now...

All QSO made with dipole at 25ft up and 8w (Ten-Tec Transverter 2M-6M 1209)

Best grid on 6M, KC4PX EL98 and W4SO EL96

Jean Pierre, en espèrant de croisé le fer sur 6M cet été, je compte bien installé le 2 élé HB9CV sous peu si la pluie peut nous laissé tranquille.

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Re:ARRL June VHF Contest - 2008/06/19 20:26 Oui tu as raison

Va voir ca Daniel:

Quand tu auras installé ta HB9CV, fais toi plaisir et injecte lui au moins 50W!

Post edited by: va2sg, at: 2008/06/19 20:28
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:ARRL June VHF Contest - 2008/06/19 20:45 Soit en sure Jean Pierre, je vais avertir. Pour le 50w en ce moment je ne peu pas faire grand chose a part installé un linéaire. A moins de tombé sur un rig 6M d'au moins 50w et plus....

À suivre...


p.s A ce que je vois (U-tube), c'est bel et bien un 2 élé HB9CV que tu utilse et un plaisir fou a faire plusieur QSO....mmm! je crois que ce même plaisir va arrivé ici sous peu....Lol!
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Re:ARRL June VHF Contest - 2008/07/12 18:48 Salut à tous,

Je n'ai pas été en mesure d'y participer (travail oblige) j'ai écouté sur l'heure du midi et quelque peu en soirée.  Puis j'ai eu la chance de répondre à un appel tardif.
Scoutement radioamateur,
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