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CONTEST BLOOPERS... - 2008/09/29 23:38 It happened to me this weekend in CQWW RTTY...
Remember the first time (times) contest experience..? Well there are more and more new guys every weekend or so giving a go at contesting and the fastest growing crowd is on rtty.
I know some guys are very nervous the first few times and they want to do good and sure enough not look clumsy and 'not up to the task'. They're told that exchanges must be quick and not to let the other guy wait for you.
Saturday evening while calling CQ on 20m and swapping on 40 for new ones and mults, I came across a W2 station cq'ing. Now, in CQWW canadian and american stations will send 599-WAZ and province-state so for me that is 599 05 QC.
Of course we all have our macros ready for repeating the zone or the state in case the other station misses it. So I call the W2 on 40 but hit the wrong key and send him instead of  'de va2up va2up'  ,   the macro:  'state state?'. The poor guy without even hesitating one second sends me a NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY .  hihi  then ...complete silence for a minute or so!  I was still loughing an hour later...I could just picture him on the edge of his chair wondering what went on...
I then gave him a 5 minute break and went back to call him and log him.

Another time I remember that a guy forgot to change the macros and was sending the wrong contest name in his cq routine. Well if you want to stand out in the crowd that is certainly a good way!!

You have something funny that happened to you at one point or another? Share it with us.  

73, Fabi
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Re:CONTEST BLOOPERS... - 2008/09/30 09:50 My first trys witth MMTTY. I connect the dummy load (should I say I think I am on the dummy) . Send CQ CQ DE VA2SG VA2SG, just testing the whole thing. To my big surprise, I read a W9 station answering my call!

In fact, I was wrong, I wasnt on the dummy but on my vertical.

BUT, I was transmitting 5W. hi.

Post edited by: va2sg, at: 2008/09/30 11:09
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:CONTEST BLOOPERS... - 2008/09/30 11:18 It was in 1957 about 2 years before getting my ticket. I was back from school for dinner.  I had connected a 80m folded dipole to a cadet army buzzer key and, I was monitoring myself in the receiver an old RME-4350A. I was calling CQ with my OM'S call VE2HB just for fun and practicing.

At the same time my OM was getting out of work at the local TV station about 5 miles from home. He was hearing me "loud and clear" on his Gonset HF mobile.

Would you beleive I had to disconnect that antenna fast when he came home...

In 1957 DOT (department of transport and communication) were monitoring...

73, Claude VE2FK
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Re:CONTEST BLOOPERS... - 2008/09/30 12:02 In 1965  I was on duty as a radio operator aboard Icebreaker d'Iberville/CGSM up north near Eureka. It was about 0300 in the morning. I was doing the 0000-0400 shift. I had just sent my WX report to VFF Iqaluit on 6 Mhz. and decided to monitor 40m with the good old Eddystone commercial our spare receiver. I was hearing lot of northern DX in the CW band. Reception is so good at sea.

The main marine transmitter was a RCA and normally use xtal control for commmercial but also had a VFO. It was a 500w with a pair of 813 and the final tuning was also acting as antenna tuner. The antenna was a Tee, very good on ships.

I then tune the TX on 40m and called CQ with my vibroplex bug. First CQ a reply from a Russian. The only problem was that I was on duty... but not much work to do of course... We were 3 oprs for the north trip in 65. One of them was Emile Bonneau the OIC, officier in charge. For some reason he heard my clicks  while monitoring SW BCST from his room ha ha. He came to the radio room and told me I had to wait after my shift to play ham radio. Good that he was also a Ham hi.

I had my hamradio setup in the back of the ship in the beacon room. It was a National NCX-3 transceiver and a Hallicrafter HT-41 Amp. Antenna was a 20m dipole or a 33ft beacon whip. This setup was mainly used to pass phone patches for the crew. Beleive me I was busy.

Claude VE2FK ex/VE0MS (1965)

Post edited by: ve2fk, at: 2008/09/30 13:30
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Re:CONTEST BLOOPERS... - 2008/09/30 14:13 Two more, for real, I heard everything

IOTA 2007, with my good friend VE2FK, I heard a EU somewhere answering N4IB call with the exchange. Unfortunately for him, N4IB was N4EEB. Was so fun hearing the OM sending his call two, three four times in a row, N4EEB, E E B, N4 E E B, N 4 E    E   B.

Also, CW WW 2007, the contest is over since 1 minute. But a W, (dont remember call)  is still running..

(somebody) TEST IS OVER K
OV?ER 599 5 599 5 OV?ER K

Gee, what fun!
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:CONTEST BLOOPERS... - 2008/11/10 23:17 In WAE RTTY 2008 this weekend best exchange:

W..station calls me off frequency by 260kc down, in revese mode, calls me VA2UPO and gives me 599-zone 5-JOHN   followed by qth, wx , hope cuagn and...finally 73. ouff I tought it would never end, I gave him TU and collapsed from the chair.

Fabi va2up
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Re:CONTEST BLOOPERS... - 2008/11/11 07:43 J'ai aussi eu le plaisir de contacter une station EUro qui m'a passé toute l'info, QSL manager etc. Heureusement il était sur la fréquence ha ha.

Mais le pire fût un SV1 qui m'a transmit sa liste de QTC plein de fautes.
Alors je demande un SEND ALL AGN et voilà qu'il me répette tout mais avec des pauses RX entre chaque QTC, encore des fautes et pas de SPACE à la fin des QTC alors tout le garbage.  J'aime bien encouragé un débutant mais là c'était trop fort.

73 de VE2FK
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Re:CONTEST BLOOPERS... - 2008/11/11 08:51 L'affaire du reverse m'est déjà arrivé. On m'a déjà dit que je transmettais reverse.

Si j'ai bien compris, ET MMTTY ET le rig doivent tous les deux avoir le même setting. Exemple, si MMTTY est réglé reverse, alors que le rig est pas, on aura des problèmes.

En fait ET MMTTY ET le rig doivent ne pas être reverse? Je parle en FSK.

EN LSB USB, je comprends que ce serait différent.
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:CONTEST BLOOPERS... - 2008/11/11 10:30 Ca dépends des radios JP.
Icom est en FSK Keying REVERSE et si ma mémoire est bonne Kenwood lui c'est
normale... alors oui il faut que tout concorde.

Je pense que tu fais le CQWW SSB... bonne chance.

73 de VE2FK
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Re:CONTEST BLOOPERS... - 2008/11/11 10:38 Oui Claude j'ai eu le même SV1 aussi c'est vrai ha ha.
En effet j'avais changé les macros sur le send qtc avant car j'avais vu qu'il y avait un problème et que le retour après chaque qtc ne se faisait pas. ENTER à la place de ENTERLF à la fin de chaque qtc a règlé le problème.

JP comme tu l'as bien dit il y a 2 possibilité: en afsk (LSB et US c'est simple car tu ne pourras pas décoder l'autre station car en reverse RX aussi. Soit on change de sideband ou bien on actionne le reverse sur MMTTY (même resultat).

En FSK qui est TX seulement c'est plus traître car on reçoit bien mais on risque de TX upside down. C'est alors la phase du transceiver qu'il faut changer de normal à reverse. Les Yaesu comme le 1000 transmettent en phase inversée et on utilise les reverse pour être corrects. C'est le monde à l'envers quoi. Dans la liste des menus de plusieurs radios on a une commande de polarité pour faire cela.
Si le TXVR n'a pas de commande à cet effet alors il faudra changer la polarité directement sur l'interface en renversant les fils. Si au bout d'une heure dans le contest on a toujours pas de contacts loggés il y a des chances qu'on soit  

fait-il froid chez vous? Ici on gèle ce matin.
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Re:CONTEST BLOOPERS... - 2008/11/11 12:05 Fabi
En effet j'avais changé les macros sur le send qtc avant car j'avais vu qu'il y avait un problème et que le retour après chaque qtc ne se faisait pas. ENTER à la place de ENTERLF à la fin de chaque qtc a règlé le problème.
Oui, moi aussi j'ai enlevé le ENTERLF du début et remplacer uniquement par ENTER en laissant un espace au début. J'ai aussi remarqué que dans la programmation de SQTC et RQTC un l'ESPACE à la fin ne restait pas programmé à moins de le faire suivre par {RX}   Ca fonctionnai TB pour moi.

73 de VE2FK
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Re:CONTEST BLOOPERS... - 2009/03/23 18:21 This weekend in Bartg. I'm 'running' and calling CQ on 20M when all of a sudden I hear someone calling me and he goes:
 now what do you do in a case like that?
So I go: TU and start cqing again.
Sure enough 5 minutes later same thing I'm calling and I see :
This time I disregarded and just kept calling CQ.

10 minutes later :
so this time I had to reply and:

Nothing happened for awile. Then you know how in time you get to know the 'sound' of a particular station and I'm sure he came back after 'reviewing' his macros and called me this time with his callsign, he gave me 001 as serial...
I think he had just put the wrong words into the wrong key...

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