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Contest Group du Quebec  

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Ontario QSO Party OQP - 2008/04/12 08:02 Info from Canada Contest:

Hello Contestors everywhere.

Theres just 7 days till the 2008 running of the Ontario QSO Party!!

This year marks the 11th year of the contest and runs this year on :

The third full weekend of April
1800Z April 19 to 0500Z April 20,
and 1200Z to 1800Z April 20

A rule change this year will allow any station outside of Ontario that works
100 or more Ontario
stations recieve a certificate for their effort. And any station inside
Ontario that works 100 or more stations outside of Ontario will also recieve
a certificate for their effort. Its a WIN - WIN situation!

The complete 2008 rules and awards can be found on the Contest Club Ontario
website at

To plan your operating schedule you can check the "who's going to be on"
page at  the page is updated as soon as new
stations announce their operating plans and will be updated right up to the
day of the contest.

If your looking to set a new State or DX record [ or break on old one ]
check the current records page at

For FREE  eay-to-use logging software designed SPECIFICALLY for the Ontario
QSO Party go to   This program will show
you your running score during the contest  with no guessing needed so you
can see where you currently are or need to be to beat a record or place
first in your State, Province, County or Country!

So set your clock , feed the dog, put out the cat and call in sick next
Friday to tweak your antennas [ no I can't write you a note ].

Good luck to everyone and I hope to work you in the contest in 7 days!!

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Re:Ontario QSO Party OQP - 2008/04/18 18:19 Je vais défendre mon titre!

Sans blague, je vais faire quelques efforts. Si seulement il y avait une plaque!
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:Ontario QSO Party OQP - 2008/04/18 18:40 Bonne chance Jean-Pierre.
Moi je ferai un peu de RTTY dans le TARA vendredi soir et durant le weekend surement que je donnerai des points dans le OQP en CW seulement...
73, claude VE2FK
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Re:Ontario QSO Party OQP - 2008/04/20 09:54 OQP Score Summary Sheet
Start Date : 2008-04-19
CallSign Used : VE2FK
Operator Category : SINGLE-OP
Band : ALL
Power : HIGH - 600w
Mode : CW
Default Exchange : QC
Club/Team : Contest Group du Quebec
Software : N1MM Logger V7.12.24
Total Time On 3,09 hours

 Band    QSOs    Pts  Sec
  3,5      28      80   21
    7      12      32   12
   14       7      14    4
Total      47     126   37

Score : 4 662
Rig : IC-746PRO, MicroKeyer, Drake L4B/QSK
Antennas : TH-4MK4 Rotable, Dipoles
Soapbox : 80% in S&P, not many VE3...

73, Claude VE2FK
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Re:Ontario QSO Party OQP - 2008/04/20 13:35 My 2 cents:


 QSO  mult
160 12 10
80 22 18
40 20 15
20  0  0
15  0  0
10  0  0
 6  0  0
 2  0  0
   54 x 148 = 6364

Rig: Kenwood TS-830S 90watts
ANT: Inv L

I was working 2 hrs


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Re:Ontario QSO Party OQP - 2008/04/20 15:18 Well...

79 cw & ssb QSOs, 44 ctys

7700 points.

As for the hours, maybe 7 or 8, not sure.
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:Ontario QSO Party OQP - 2008/04/21 14:53 Salut tlm,

J'ai participé une légère partie de temps pendant la première partie du Party.  En même temps que le Michigan QSO Party.  Ce fut mêlant parfois... J'utilisais l'indicatif special pour le 400 ième de ville Québec.   VG2BOY

J'ai fait une vingtaine de QSO's.  J'aurais bien aimé activé davantage le côté VHF...

L'important, c'était le fun et j'ai participé.

Post edited by: VA2BOY/BS, at: 2008/04/21 14:56
Scoutement radioamateur,
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Re:Ontario QSO Party OQP - 2008/04/21 16:33 Ontario QSO Party -- 2008

     Call:         VE2DWA
     Category:  SO
     Band:      All Band
     Mode:      MIX
     QTH:       Aylmer - QC (FN25bk)


     160         6            13          12      
      80          9            19          22      
      40          6              8          10    
       2           0              1            1    

    Totals      21            41           45       =   5670

All reports sent were 59(9) QC, unless otherwise noted.

Operation Time: <3Hs

Equipment Description: Kenwood TS-930, Icom IC-230

Antennas: Dipoles for 80 & 40, Horizontal V for 160, G5RV, 1/4 wave pour 144

73, Claudio VE2DWA
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Re:Ontario QSO Party OQP - 2008/04/21 18:02 33 QSOs

22 multipliers

1452 score (pas finale)....juste pour rire! ...

My pal de Thunder Bay Tom est VA3CCO (VE3CX) et aussi mon témoin en 1980....
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Re:Ontario QSO Party OQP - 2008/04/21 19:36 Un bon groupe VE2. On oublie pas d'envoyer les logs bien sûr.

En passant, le Florida QSO est pas mal le fun, plein de mobiles etc..., weekend prochain.
Jean-Pierre VA2SG - VE2SSS
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Re:Ontario QSO Party OQP - 2008/05/06 19:47 OQP Score Summary Sheet
    CallSign Used : VE2XAA
  Category : SOAB  CW
         Club/Team : Contest Group du Quebec
        Software : N1MM Logger V7.12.21

       Band    QSOs    Pts  Sec
        1.8      17     172   12
        3.5      28     272   22
          7      10     100    8
         14       4      40    4
         21       1      10    1
      Total      60     594   47

           Score : 27,918
    Much more QC stations then last year!
And almost all from CGQ!
73! Alexey VE2XAA
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Re:Ontario QSO Party OQP - 2008/05/14 21:12 2008 Ontario QSO Party                VG2BOY


             QSOs          QSO pts.      Mults.
   80m        8             17            7
   40m        2             2             2
   TOTALS     10            19            9

                        Claimed score =  171

One QSL Card requested on trafic

Rig used: TS850S/AT
Ant used: DXCC 80m@10m

Méchant score ...  Hi, hi!

Post edited by: va2boy/bs, at: 2008/05/14 21:16
Scoutement radioamateur,
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