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Re:CQ MM JF CW - 2008/05/23 14:46
Manchester Mineira All America CW Contest
Call: VE2DWA Class: SOSB/80 HP QTH: Aylmer - QC Operating Time (hrs): ~2
Summary: Band QSOs Prefixes ---------------------- 80: 46 14 ---------------------- Total: 46 14 Total Score = 1,876
All the given report were 599 NA
Radio: Kenwood TS-930 Antenna: 80 meter dipole @ 10 meter hauteur
Comments: Only few hours in the air, I enter in this contest to say hello to my SA friends, not a lot of noise give me the chance to work several QRP stations. Congratulations to VE2XAA for his great job and his great reception. I've copied around 50% of his stations copied.
See you in WPX CW.
73, Claudio VE2DWA